master social media

  • Find your designated online audience
  • Grow your social media channels
  • Build trust in your brand
  • Build your reach and authority
  • Convert followers into customers
  • Analyse and understand your data
£995 per month

my credentials

My successes:

➡️ In 2007, I launched Living Magazines Cardiff from my kitchen table without any funding. I developed the magazines into a six-figure, multi-award-winning business, both in print and online.

➡️ In 2014, I launched WalesOnCraic, an award-winning spoof news site for Wales, which has had over 10 million visits since its creation.

➡️ During the pandemic in 2020, I created virtual book store, The Indie Book Store, to help promote books by indie authors.

➡️ I have written two best-selling books and one award-winning blog.

My results:

➡️ Over £1m in accumulative turnover at Living Magazines

➡️ Over 82k followers on WalesOnCraic (and over 30k more on other pages)

➡️ 1.5k books promoted online at The Indie Book Store in two years

➡️ 150k+ Twitter followers in just over two years

➡️ Over 10k self-published books sold (including one which was the #1 blogging book on Kindle for nearly three years)

➡️ 0 adverts paid for

£995 per month

take control of your social media

Having a mentor alongside you means that you have expert guidance on-hand to transform your social media channels into a marketing machine